The Bat/Cat Origin Story Part II

Several feline paws pounced at Bruce as he entered Selina’s apartment. A tiny, yet precocious black cat mewed a sweet mew and made its way to gracefully brush its fur on Bruce’s million-dollar trousers.

“Isis,” Selina called, commanding but comforting. There was a respectful understanding, almost on a spiritual level, between Selina and her cats. Bruce theorized that many conversations between female and feline were had within that apartment, but without a single sound uttered.


“I’ll only be a minute or two. You caught me without my makeup on.” There was no shame or embarrassment in her voice. In fact, it was more like a taunt, suggesting the best was yet to come.

“Take your time,” Bruce said stupidly. He felt Selina was way out of his league, above and beyond any woman he had ever been with before. Much better than that “Silver” whatever-her-name-was. He meandered through Selina’s apartment, careful not to step on any tails. He admired the art on her walls, taking special care to notice that a local museum may currently be displaying fakes in their gallery.

Eventually, Bruce came across a hardcover edition of The Complete Works of William Shakespeare. A sly smirk came to Bruce’s face. He had thought it would make up for his boyish behavior if he could show Selina just how romantic he could be. He flipped to a section from Romeo and Juliet and began reciting it… very loudly.

“My bounty is as boundless as the sea! My love as deep! The more I give to thee! The more I have! For both are infinite!” Bruce waited for a response. The dull sound of an ancient bathroom light buzzing, garnished by mews, was all he heard. It wasn’t a total loss, Bruce thought. At least I got my daily dose of Shakespeare. That’s important.


Bruce was admiring the neon pink glow of Selina’s wall clock (an effect that emboldened the deep, hot pink paint on the walls) when Selina emerged. Bruce did a once-over head-to-toe of Selina’s figure. He decided once was not enough and did a quick double-take, ensuring he memorized her every curve before she slipped it beneath a jacket.

“Let’s go. We’ll be late for Harvey’s case.” She led Bruce out of the apartment. It was kind of surprising to Selina that Bruce actually opened the car door for her, though she made sure she didn’t show it.

It didn’t take long for Selina to materialize her independence and command over Bruce by taking control of the radio in the car. “There’s a lot of music built into the car’s hard drive. Scroll through it, if you would like. There might be something we agree on.”

Selina simply smiled her seductive smile without saying a word. As she scrolled through the vast playlist, she was shocked to find her favorite artist in the eclectic mix. “You like Michael Jackson?!” She tried not to sound too excited.

“Yeah, he happens to be one of my favorites. In fact…” Before Bruce could even finished the sentence, Billie Jean began to play on the radio. The car sped down the street towards the courthouse with The King of Pop narrating the not-so-uncomfortable silence between Bruce and Selina.


When the couple arrived at Gotham City Courthouse, Harvey Dent was standing outside. As Bruce slowed the car, Harvey walked up to his rolled-down window.

“Hey Bruce. Selina. Thanks for coming but uh… Judge pushed the time back to a night case. So, I appreciate the support but you don’t have to stick around.” Harvey was as indifferent about it as ever.

“Aww, that’s a shame, Harv. I would stick around but I have an early meeting with the Board tomorrow morning, so I shouldn’t really stay out late.” For some reason, Bruce’s eyes shifted to Selina as he said this. Selina noticed.

“Yeah, maybe next ti…”

“That’s okay, Harvey,” Selina interrupted. “We’ll do this again some time.” With that, Bruce sped off from his friend with the girl of his dreams in the passenger seat.



Image Sources:

“Catwoman The Cat Lady” by Caanantheartboy on

“Batman and Catwoman, Romeo and Juliet” by AxelMedellin on DeviantArt.Com

Batman: Black and White, Vol 2., Issue 6, written by and with art by Adam Hughes, published by DC Comics. Edits by me.